Sell With Us
- List your item(s) in under 24 hours.
- Only 5% seller fees on all sold items.
- Import your items listed on other reseller sites.
- Payments sent to your bank account in 3 working days.
Take pictures of your item.
Ideally we need 5 clear pictures of your item.
- Front Picture
- Left/Right Side Picture
- Back Picture
- Picture of Brand Name and Size details
- Serial / Authentication Code
- EXTRA pictures if available: Packaging, purchase receipt/invoice
Please protect your item’s hardware and metal with protective film prior to shipping.
*Not all pictures will be listed. However we require these pictures to verify its authenticity before we agree to sell your item.
**Counterfeit items are not accepted.
We accept all designer branded items.
Your item must be in the following condition:
- New (Unused and usually in its original packaging)
- Pre-owned -Like New (Has no sign of use, no marks, no scratches)
- Pre-owned -Great (Shows few signs of use but no damage)
We do not accept items with
- holes
- damaged items
- modified items
- counterfeit items
Once you submit your item it will be verified by our team and can be online in as little as 2 hours.
If your item is listed on a different website and you wish to import it to our website, you will still need to provide one front picture of your item, as well as the link/url to the item page.
Once your item is Live, please store your item away till it is purchased. Your item should reach us in the condition in which it was listed. Do not use the item to avoid wear & tear.
Want your item to sell faster? Share the link to your item to buyers. Ask them to visit our website to find your item.
Consign With Us
- 60 days consignment.
- Up to 10% higher payout.
- *Select brands only.
- Payments sent to your bank account in 3 working days.
Take pictures of your item.
Ideally we need 5 clear pictures of your item.
- Front Picture
- Left/Right Side Picture
- Back Picture
- Picture of Brand Name and Size details
- Serial / Authentication Code
- EXTRA pictures if available: Packaging, purchase receipt/invoice
We require these pictures to verify the authenticity of your item and assess its condition before we agree to consign.
**Counterfeit items are not accepted.
We accept few designer brands for consignment. The brands we accept are:
- Hermes
- Chanel
- Louis Vuitton
- Dior
- Saint Laurent
- And all Fine Jewelry and watch brands (such as Cartier, Patek Philippe, Tiffany, Rolex, etc)
Your item must be in the following condition:
- New (Unused and usually in its original packaging)
- Pre-owned -Like New (Has no sign of use, no marks, no scratches)
- Pre-owned -Great (Shows few signs of use)
We do not accept items with
- damaged items
- modified items
- counterfeit items
Once you submit your item’s pictures, it will be verified by our team and we will provide a response almost instantly.
If your item is accepted, we will provide a quote range on what you should expect to receive from the sale of your item.
Now all you have left to do is send in the bag for us to inspect and store safely – pending its purchase. Professional photos may be taken as well as a video for advertisement purposes.
When sending the item to us, please detach all straps, and accessories and cover them with protective film.
Our consignment period is 60 days. If your item doesn’t sell in 60 days, we will email you to suggest price reduction, or return the item to you.
Once your item has been received and inspected, we will take professional pictures and/or a video of the item for advertisement purposes.
Your item will be listed online and via our partner pages.
Once purchased, we will handle shipping & delivery and you will receive an email confirming its sale date, and your payout date as well (3 working days later).
We know your eager to get paid.
We payout your sales proceeds in 3 working days.
Minimum payout £50 ($50 or 50Eur)
To receive your payout you will need to provide us with full banking details where your payment will be deposited, such as name, account number, sortcode/routing number, IBAN**, BIC/Swift code**
**IBAN and BIC/Swift Codes are not necessary for UK Residents.
Fast delivery
We ship to 132 countries worldwide within 2-5 working days.
Easy Returns/Refund
Not Happy? Return your item for a full refund or exchange your item.
© 2023 Wornright. All Rights Reserved.